Monday, January 17, 2011

Soy Consumption Effects On Women

Numerous study show that soy consumption has evident benefits for our health and does help in some specific woman problems. Let’s see some of there studies them below.

Cancer-inhibitory effects of soy consumption on breast cancer.

Although numerous experimental studies have indicated that soy foods and their components have cancer-inhibitory effects on breast cancer, the association between adolescent soy food intake and breast cancer risk was not evaluated by any epidemiological study.

All study participants were interviewed to obtain specific information concerning their nutritional intake from ages 13–15 years. Adolescence is a period when breast tissue is most sensitive to environmental stimuli as it represents a stage when the mammary glands (breasts) are actually developing.

Soy food intake and breast cancer risk were measured using unconditional logistic models. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) deriving from the logistic models we used, show that the women in highest soy food intake group had an OR of 0.35 which means the lowest breast cancer risk due to soy food intake.

The conclusion is that high soy intake during teenage years may diminish the risk of breast cancer in a woman’s maturity years.

The study was realized by 5 research institutes in USA and one in China.

The "magic beans"?

I am not talking about "Jack and the Beanstalk" story although is still has its magic; the magic beans I refer to are the black soybeans. Their "magical powers" are to prevent diabetes, lower fat and cholesterol levels and control weight.

South Korean researchers fed all the rats (used in their research) a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet, while some of the rats got black soybeans as supplement.

Their discovery established that: rats that got black soybeans supplement (10 % black soybeans) gained only 50 % of the weight the other rats did. In addition, the rats that were given the black soybean supplement had 25% lower total blood cholesterol and 60% lower LDL (or bad cholesterol).

The researchers observed that soybeans changed the fat composition in a different way; this is the reason they believe that black soybeans might prevent obesity and the type 2 diabetes.

The low GI (glycaemic index) , high fiber and low fat are three characteristics of legumes that provide real benefits for our bodies as they allow and facilitate a normal intestinal transit(no more constipation problems),a better weight control (because of the low fat) and also help diabetics keep their blood glucose levels under control. Black soybeans are indeed a great substitute for starchy foods such as potatoes and white bread (in the limits of a healthy diet, of course).

Therefore, if you want to buy black soybeans, you can find canned ones in some Oriental food stores as well as in health food stores.

Cooling down hot flashes? How?

Once the menstruation period ends (it usually occurs from early forties to early sixties), the second adolescence begins; I am calling it "adolescence" because of the hormonal changes our bodies go trough. Due to this wave of hormones, some of us may have palpitations or may blush all of a sudden with no reason at all, also sometimes the whole body starts perspiring without any apparent cause. Still, not all women go trough such "Calvary". Some do not have them at all, or they experience them but very mildly manifested.

Mom "met" these hot flashes when she was 43. She says:" after my breast cancer operation, my menstruation was interrupted and I experienced sudden overheating; regardless of where I was or what I was doing, I felt this heat in my body-especially in my back- accompanied with perspiration; it lasted around 2 minutes and of course after unequal pauses it came back. "She is 52 now and she had them for approximately five years.

Millions of American women go trough hot flashes nowadays. Most of them (75%) get them in the months / years before and-or after menopause.

Here are the alternatives:

Exercise Regularly! That means around a half an hour of quick and energetic walk on most days of the week; this exercise will make hot flashes less intense.

Drink enough water! Even if you are not thirsty, you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day .When you feel hot fleshes coming, drink something cold, it will make you feel better.

Alternative effective supplements

Japanese women experience fewer, milder hot flashes than American women. Why is that? Because Japanese women’s diet is rich in soy food, their daily intake is around 50 to 100 milligrams isoflavones. For example, a cup of cooked green soybeans contains 100 milligrams isoflavones and a cup of tofu contains 50 mg.

Remifemin is another adjuvant, made of black cohosh; it is usually administrated twice a day.

The hormone therapy has the best effects on hot flashes yet, this therapy is not widely embraced because of the results that ascertained an increased risk of breast cancer or stroke.

We have seen the most important effects of soy consumption on our bodies and as women; it is good to know that there is something natural to help prevent some of our problems. Why cure when we can prevent?

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